About Us

Federal Science And Technical College, Zuru Kebbi State.

The Federal Science and Technical College, Zuru, (FSTC ZURU), was established in 1989. However, admission of students into the college started in 1991 with three Technical departments offering trade courses:

  1. Electrical Installation and Maintenance Practice 
  2. Bricklaying, Blocklaying and Concreting.
  3. Plumbing and Pipefitting 
We strive to be committed to the students we are privileged to serve, in our alumni association, our dedicated, talented faculty and staff. We also take pride in having the most active and helpful group of partners, visionary parents, well-wishers, alumni and friends.

Everyday at the FSTC ZURU is like a blessing with the active students and talented staff members around.

Federal Science And Technical School at a Glance
Current Enrollments
0 K+
Qualified Staff
0 +
Clubs & Activities
0 +
Active PTFA Members
0 +
Mission Statement

Vision Statement

To Provide Trained man Power in Applied Science, Technology and Commerce .

To Train And Impact Necessary Skills Leading to the Production of Craftsmen, Engineers, Technicians and Scientists.


Our Core Values
We have a culture that is modern, relevant, and inspires students to have a brighter future. We are determined in our approach to learning, are creative in our thinking, and bold in our ambitions.
Our Philosophy

At Federal Science and Technical College Zuru, We follow and run a child-centered educational approach. We make sure that it is based on scientific observations from birth to adulthood. We believe that a child is naturally curious and is capable of initiating learning in a supportive and thoughtfully prepared environment.